BSE thanks ASEA sponsors

On behalf of Botswana Stock Exchange; the entire organizing team; the ASEA secretariat, and on my own behalf extend a very hearty vote of thanks to our guest of honor the President of Botswana Dr. Masisi for gracing us with his presence.

Let me also take this time to congratulate you for being elected the 5th President of the Republic of Botswana. We are fortunate as a nation to have you drive a national agenda that is pro-business and pro-social-economic empowerment.

We deeply appreciate your undying support for our local capital markets and the financial sector as a whole; you have always heeded to our call and we look forward to having you grace us with your presence in future events.

On behalf of Botswana Stock Exchange, I also extend our gratitude to World Bank Country Representative and Special Envoy to SADC, Xavier Furtado. Mr Furtado we thank you for always being a valuable resource in the development of our capital markets and your support of all our initiatives.

A big ‘Thank you’ to all speakers, presenters, and panelists for travelling from far and wide to our beloved country to attend this event.

Ladies and gentlemen, an event like this cannot happen overnight, the wheels started rolling a year ago when the BSE won the bid to host this year’s conference which required rigorous planning and a bird’s eye view for detail.

We have been fortunate enough to be backed by a slew of generous sponsors and a team of highly motivated and dedicated colleagues at the Botswana Stock Exchange and the ASEA Secretariat who played their roles exceptionally well.

All the days of planning have brought us to this moment; and for the next two days we promise you a packed and insightful agenda filled with great presentations and panel discussions from which all of us will surely gain new knowledge and valuable insights.

Last but not least we urge you to enjoy the atmosphere and natural beauty in the great tourist town of Kasane. We do hope you will spare some time to participate in tourist activities and explore the great flora and fauna Botswana has to offer.


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