Kaboeamodimo Is A BPF Candidate

A close confidante of former President Ian Khama, Mogomotsi Kaboeamodimo has joined active politics and has thrown his hat to contest the much sought after Good Hope- Mmathethe constituency as a parliamentary candidate under Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF). Kaboeamodimo is the Chief Executive Officer of SKI Foundation, Khama’s philanthropic organization. He confirmed to The Patriot on Sunday, his intention to contest in the upcoming general elections. He laos revealed that he had initially planned to contest Kanye East parliamentary seat, a  constituency which has been renamed after delimitation from Kanye North. 

Kaboeamodimo said after many months of soul searching, consultations with his family including several elders and the youth in the Good Hope-Mmathethe constituency, he has decided to contest the 2024 General election on the BPF ticket as a Parliamentary Candidate. 

Kaboeamodimo said he has been persuaded by the warm encouragement and endorsement from friends and acquaintances across the political divide in the Constituency. “I am now preparing for my official launch that will be held in Mmathethe on August 3rd, after which I shall immerse myself in my campaign. I thank all the residents of Good Hope Mmathethe who have welcomed me into their homes, cattle posts and wherever we met,” said Kaboeamodimo. 

In contesting the election on the BPF ticket, he noted that he seeks to advance the welfare of our people such as food production, education for our children and health care among others. He also said the constituency is in dire need of improved infrastructure that has long been in the books but not delivered as promised. 

“This speaks to inter villages roads, water for human and livestock consumption and effect drought relief initiatives in the constituency. The challenges are many. They are solvable where there is political will,” said Kaboeamodimo. 


Political analyst, Kitso Morekisi, has said Good Hope-Mmathethe would be one of the most interesting constituencies in South of Dibete, noting that it has so far already been made popular by the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) Bulela Ditswe tie between cabinet minister Edwin Dikoloti and Peggy Serame. 

Morekisi said for Kaboeamodimo to enter the race under BPF this would make the constituency more exciting, and it would be seen how he will mark the BPF authority in the constituency at which the party is relatively new. 

“The constituency has been a stronghold for BDP and Botswana National Front (BPF) of Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) have a strong presence and had given BDP a tough run in the previous polls when it was still named Molapowabojang-Mmathethe. BPF wont win but its presence is bringing in a new perspective and more so that Kaboeamodimo is one of popular figures in the area,” said Morekisi. 

In addition, Morekisi said it good development by BPF to expand or set its presence in Southern part of the country by launching candidates there as that would be helpful on gaging its ability to grow beyond GaMmangwato territory where it dislodged BDP in its traditional stronghold constituencies like Serowe. 

In this year general elections, the UDC would be represented in the constituency by Gaone Seleka, and it was in the past 2019 elections represented by Dr Prince Dibeela who lost the elections to the incumbent MP Dikoloti and before that he lost to another BDP candidate Dr Alfred Madigele during 2014 elections. 

Dr Dibeela has since dumped BNF and UDC and would this year contest for elections under Botswana Congress Party Alliance (BCP) in Gaborone Bonnington North constituency. Dibeela is now the leader of Botswana Labour Party (BLP), a BNF splinter party that formed an alliance with BCP for 2024 elections. 

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