‘Hands off Boko’ – BNF Women




Botswana National Front (BNF) Women’s League has reaffirmed support for party president Duma Boko, refuting allegations that the recent fallout that rocked the structure was as result of his interference.

On Friday, BNFWL announced its former Secretary Genera,l Katlego Morolong as new President. Fielding questions from The Patriot on Sunday, Morolong said Boko has been working closely with the women’s league and other structures, adding that his detractors are the ones who arwe trying to cause instability in the party.

“There has never been an instance where Boko bullied the Women’s League and that will never happen. The central committee has been supportive and we believe in them as they do on us,” said Morolong, adding that BNFWL will be pushing for the 30% quota for women in the 2024 elections.

Morolong said there is no animosity in the BNF after five (5) members of Women’s League Committee were recalled for undisclosed reasons. She said the BNFWL has signed an agreement with the central committee on the 30% quota. “We are waiting for the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) to conclude the process of constituency allocations with other partners. Afterwards, BNF will move on to allocate constituencies to us,” she said.

Meanwhile, BNFWL Secretary General (SG) Kago Ditshotlo said a resolution has been taken to co-opt some members into the vacant WL positions, adding that they are hopeful for continuity in the league. She said due to time and financial constraints, it was going to be impossible for convening special congress to fill vacant posts more so that BNF is preparing for 2024 elections with other UDC partners.

“We are adamant that the co-option of the members has been done in the best interest of the party. We have roped in women who have worked tirelessly for the party mostly building constituency structures. We are confident that the central committee will continue to support the refreshed WL,” she stressed.

She also said the BNFWL will next month hold gala dinner to raise funds that will be amongst others channeled towards supporting campaigns of women who will contest for elections and support the community projects activities lined up by the BNFWL partnering with other parties’ women leagues.

In addition, Ditshotlo said they will honour the late former Tlokweng MP, Same Bathobakae for her footprint in the BNF politics as she inspired many to rise as political leaders. “She is a heroine who continue to inspire many of us young women in the BNF to rise and lead from the front as women. She went through difficult terrain as female politician but her perseverance to succeed made her one of few women in the opposition who won elections straight away at national level,” she said.

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