Stanbic celebrates BIUST graduates

… As Diamond Sponsor of the graduation

Stanbic Bank Botswana sponsored the Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) Class of 2022 for the organisation’s 7th annual graduation on 23 September, celebrating the achievements of the graduating classes from the Faculty of Engineering & Technology, and the Faculty of ScienceA total of 298 students graduated as part of the ceremony.

This is the 4th year the bank is sponsoring the graduation as an Associate/Diamond Sponsor and this year with an extension of a 3-year sponsorship agreement for P500, 000 to demonstrate our partnership commitment to contribute to Botswana’s economy.

Stanbic Bank’s Head of Business and Commercial Clients Segment, Calistus Chijoro, said, “The youth graduating now have their entire futures ahead of them, filled with promise and opportunity. They are the drivers of this Nation’s growth, and they are indeed poised for great things. Though they enter the vocational world in somewhat challenging times, they also do so with open hearts and minds, and the support of an entire community and country. They are our future, and so we unite in helping them shape a stronger future. After all, Botswana is our home; we drive her growth.”

Stanbic Bank Botswana is committed to making a sustainable contribution towards access to higher education, as well as to employment initiatives, employability and job creation. This comes as part of the Bank’s Social, Economic and Environmental (SEE) strategic value driver. The Bank remains unwavering in its resolve to always create sustainable shared value for communities in which it operates, to unlock greatness in all and to leverage these to drive Botswana’s growth.

BIUST’s ambition since it was established in 2006 is to produce world-class research and innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduates. This contributes to industry growth and development, and the advancement of a diversified, knowledge-based economy. This means a strong investment in strengthening the academic value chain, including teaching and learning; research and innovation; and engagement for development.

Stanbic Bank Botswana and BIUST continue to invest in collaborating for progress, with a long-standing relationship premised on shared values and, indeed, a mutual desire to impact the lives of youth and students. This is how we invest in Botswana’s future, and this is how we drive her growth.

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