Community trusts support trophy hunting

Community Based Organisations (CBOs) support recommendations of a Cabinet Committee that call for the lifting of the Hunting Ban.

A statement released by Ngamiland Council Of Non-Government Organisation (NCONGO) this week, states that CBOS support the recommendations by the cabinet sub-committee that conservation hunting should be reintroduced in Botswana.  

It further states that re-introduction of hunting will go a long way in alleviating rural poverty by re-introducing tourism benefits lost in 2014 when the moratorium was initiated. Hunting will also mitigate against human wildlife conflicts especially crop damage, livestock production and the destruction of property by elephants, said the organization.

“Elephants are causing death to our people and have injured many and as a results the hunting of elephants will results in these animal relocating from human settlement to far away where they are meant to live,” said NCONGO.

CBOs also call for the strengthening of Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBRNM) programme in Botswana. “It is our strongest believe that the CBRNM programme is one approach that can results in meaningful tourism benefits to communities not only hunting but trough other tourism development projects,” said the organisation.

The statement point out that, as communities they do not take kindly to those who are attacking the government and all initiatives meant to reintroduce hunting and uplift their livelihood and reduce human wildlife conflicts in their local areas. “Botswana is a sovereign state and we have a right to discuss and decide on issues which directly affect our livelihoods and well-being,” said the statement.

NCONGO said the elephant population is threatening food security and lives in their local areas and urged the international community to financially support conservation initiatives in Botswana especially the management of elephants.

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