*Eye Witness Account
More & More wildlife moving closer and closer to human settlements in search of water which will result in an increase in human/wildlife conflicts unfortunately
Sometimes all that is needed to get the ball rolling is a “Directive” otherwise we shall forever move in circles, the situation in the Okavango Delta has reached crises level that will become worse before it becomes better.
1.BDF & Wildlife Deployment should move water based wildlife to where there is sufficient water for their survival. For example, Chanoga as a matter of urgency
2. More boreholes should be drilled as a matter of urgency to refill watering holes in the Okavango Delta for both Human and Wildlife consumption as it is the case in the CKGR & various privately owned resorts around the Okavango Delta
*the author is a Maun based tourist operator, who runs safaris into the Okavango Delta on a daily basis. He writes from Nxaraga
Wildlife invades human settlements, villages in Ngamiland