Molebatsi is refusing to go down without a fight

Hon Molebatsi Molebatsi may be down but certainly not out. And this is if his grounds of appeal against his loss to Hon Kefentse Mzwinila are anything to go by. It is not easy to overturn the results of an election unless the grounds for doing so are material enough to overturn the outcome.

Hon Molebatsi’s appeal is from where I stand, premised on four key grounds whose validity if proven, could overturn Hon Mzwinila’s win. These are: Voters Roll Discrepancies; Counting of ballot papers outside a designated venue; Duplication of Voters Roll and, Corruption and Bribery of Election Officers. In terms of delivering a free, fair and credible electoral process, none of these grounds must emerge otherwise an electoral process stands contaminated to be invalidated. It is highly likely a rerun could be loading only if these grounds are sustained.

But as the saying goes, time will tell. I am prepared to be persuaded otherwise as always. Judge for Yourself! To be fair to Hon Mzwinila, I have not seen his nor the Mmadinare Regional Committee responses to Hon Molebatsi’s claims. But the show must nevertheless go on.

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