Madomi decide! 

The ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) will on Saturday take the litmus test as candidates face off in the much-anticipated primary elections -dubbed Bulela Ditswe to elect candidates ahead of October general elections. Political observers have warned that the primary elections, which are held too close to the general election, could create deep divisions within Domkrag. Scores of democrats across 61 constituencies will on the 20-21st July 2024 head to polling stations to elect council and parliamentary candidates who will represent BDP in national election in October. 

In an interview on Friday, BDP spokesperson Kagelelo Kentse said preparations have gone well so far, highlighting that Political Education and Elections Committee (PEEC) and Electoral Board have done an exceptional job. He said four (4) parliamentary candidates and 19 council candidates withdrew voluntarily from contesting the primary elections and were all fully refunded their application fees. He could not be drawn into divulging the names of the candidates who pulled out of the race. 

Moreover, Kentse said they do not hope to have complaints but at as it known that where there is competition the possibility of protesting or appealing the results is there. “But at the end of it, all we want is democrats to exercise their rights and select candidates. We also hope that those who didn’t make it will rally behind others and campaign for the party. That discipline is required in the party,” said the optimistic Kentse. 

Meanwhile, BDP president Mokgweetsi Masisi has repeatedly declared in BDP rallies that the party will not have time to listen to appeals post Bulela Ditswe due to time constraints as elections are just around the corner. Game Changer 

Political analyst Kitso Morekisi said Bulela Ditswe comes at a time when anxiety and confusion had rattled BDP members due to the long delay and as a result some candidates did not launch serious campaigns. He said the BDP will be put to a real test and chances are high that there will be significant number of protests from different constituencies, and it will be too late to appeal as time is not on their side. 

“Anxiety, tension, and finger pointing is rampant amongst the candidates. There is lot of accusations by candidates that incumbent MPs and councillors are manipulating voters roll in their favours. We have seen how Dr Edwin Dikoloti and Peggy Serame fought in Good Hope- Mmathethe constituency,” he said. 

Morekisi also said it is important for BDP to have announced primary elections dates, adding that will now make the political scene very interesting and now that voters could start to be excited by elections. 

He said Botswana Congress Party (BCP) has been the only party that has been ahead with campaigns in terms of launching its candidates and it being only active player on ground made voters less interested. 

“BDP having concluded the primary elections and have confirmed all its candidates would totally change complexion of the ground. This would also put pressure to another big player, Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) to up its game and conclude all necessary election preparations and go pound to pound with other parties on the campaign trail,” said Morekisi. 

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