Khan for BNF Treasurer 

Q: Who is Arafat Khan? 

AK: Arafat Khan is a 41-year-old cadre of the BNF, born, bred and buttered in Borakalalo ward where I was fortunate to grow up to become the area councillor. I am a devoted Muslim, married to a beautiful wife, blessed with 2 kids (a boy and a girl) . A loyal member of the BNF who happens to be a founding member of the governing party (UDC) committed cadre, inspired by the teachings and leanings on progressive leaders in Dr Kenneth Koma, Comrade Paul. Rantao, Comrade Mareledi Giddie, Comrade Peba Sethantsho, Comrade Mohammed Khan, Comrade Marshall Masilo, Comrade Duma Gideon Boko and other BNF stalwarts. 

Q: Take us through your political journey 

AK: I was born and raised in this party, unlike many, I never joined the BNF ,I emerged in the BNF,,I have been active in the structures for more than 2 decades from cell level to the youth league, in 2016 and 2022 I then decided to give others a chance by leaving the Youth league and regional committee respectively. 

2006-2010 BNF Youth League spokesperson 

2010-2016 BNF Youth League Secretary General 

2016-2022 Kweneng regional secretary 

In a nutshell I have served BNF in various capacities as youth leader, Borakalalo ward Councillor and now Member of Parliament for Molepolole North, a political journey interwoven with his personal beliefs and principles, anchored on BNF’s rich, distinct heritage, teachings and remarkably insightful understanding of the relation between different classes as enunciated in Pamphlet Number 1 and other policy documents. As a long-serving BNF cadre, Comrade Arafat Khan remains deeply immersed in the progressive politics discourse devoted to interpreting, interrogating, engaging and building on what our founding leaders and members have cherished for generations. 

The party has in the past given me an opportunity to represent it at local and international forums, this gave me exposure, I will forever be grateful.! I am a tried and tested cadre of the BNF who stood with the organisation even when it was not fashionable to do so. 

Q: What motivated you to contest the BNF Treasurer post? 

AK: The current Central committee should be given another opportunity to lead the BNF as they led us to state power, in the BNF history it’s the first time we have over 20 MPs and over 300 councillors and credit must be given to the collective leadership of BNF and UDC led by Advocate Duma Gideon Boko. 

It’s important to defend the 2024 electoral gains. I don’t see any reason to change the leadership that led us to victory, like they say, if not broken why fix it? I have devoted my entire life in serving the BNF at various levels and structure, thus giving him a solid and deep understanding of the BNF policies and philosophy, and of course remains an integral part of the BNF story and heritage. Besides my intrinsic passion for progressive politics, I remain the integral part of the BNF generation that has invariably moved the BNF to address deep concerns and growing needs of the nation. 

Q: What reforms can be expected from you should you be elected BNF Treasurer? 

AK: I engaged my brother Cde Noah Salakae regarding his availability, if he was standing, I could have not availed my myself as I believe in continuity, I also consulted the Party President as I wanted to align myself with his vision and fortunately, he gave me the green light, if the President had some1 in mind I would have considered supporting his preferred candidate. In a nutshell I have the blessings of the current treasurer and the Party President. 

I am the rightful candidate as I come a long way with the BNF, I know its history, culture, tradition its nature and character. Ga ke mafikizolo, I didn’t join the BNF in 2022.I am politically experienced and have a track record when it comes to fundraising and mobilising resources, I have done that when I contested for Borakalalo and mobilised resources to compete with BDP toe to toe in Molepolole North! As a businessman, I have managed to establish relationships that will I tap into to take the movement forward. I have a track record in the BNF. 

Q: In the past, BNF used to complain about lack of funds while in opposition. Is that likely to change now that you are in Government? 

AK: The BNF is financially stable, thanks to the incumbent treasurer Cde Salakae,I will just be taking over from where he will have left and focus on developing the BNF plots ,priority is the Kopano house which I pledge to construct within the first 100 days in office. I also intend to establish regional offices ,more resources will be channeled to the Northwest, Masebo, Northern regions to strengthen our party as we prepare to win those constituencies. 

I will also solicit funds for all the wards and constituencies that we didn’t win in 2024 so that we can be able to capture them! I also intend to establish a business wing or venture that will generate income for the organisation, we can no longer rely only on councillors and MP’s subscriptions. The BNF, as a mass movement has always enjoyed the goodwill and support of everyone who believes in progressive politics as it remains a natural home of progressive minds. 

The resilient BNF followers and members continue to lend support to the BNF in support of our ideals, philosophy and inclination to justice and human rights. Based on this resilience, loyalty and belief robust Treasury is required to facilitate and enable every process to mobilize resources towards consolidation of State Power by winning all the constituencies and wards allocated to the BNF under the UDC bloc. 

Q: What is your view on Political Party Funding? 

AK: I am a firm believer in political party funding but for now it’s not urgent, now, focus must be on reviving the ailing economy and implement our manifesto. 

Q: What is your plan going forward, will you still avail yourself in 2029? 

AK: I am definitely available in 2029; I intend to serve two terms unless the people decide otherwise. 

Q: What more can you tell us? 

AK: As a proponent of progressive politics and Inclusive Growth, I am of the view that empowerment means different things to different people. It could be education, land ownership, sustainable employment, dignity and human rights. 

Therefore, empowerment must be seen through the eyes of the disempowered. There is, of course, one tide that will lift all boats. That is the tide of economic growth, a legacy that shall define my tenure as UDC Member of Parliament and BNF Treasurer. 

I strongly believe that sustained high economy growth is attainable, given that growth is a function of investment, and is a result of using the vast human resources to exploit the abundant natural resources. There are vast opportunities, which remain unexplored. 

As the MP for Molepolole North, i believe that if we can find a way to exploit those resources through investment and enterprise to create sustainable jobs and generate wealth for the nation. 

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