HOORAY! BOTSAT-1 enters orbit

So, at long last SpaceX officially announced on their website that the BOTSAT-1 aboard a SpaceX rocket, Falcon 9 was scheduled for Friday, March 14, 2025 at 11:39 PM (PST) from the Vandenberg SpaceForce Base in California, USA. The launch was scheduled to take place (yesterday morning) on Saturday, March 15th, 2025 at 06:39AM (CAT) Botswana Time. Notwithstanding a warning that the launch date and timing may be subject to change based on weather and operational conditions, a live webcast of this mission was scheduled to be livestreamed on X@SpaceX and the new XTV app. Botswana should be commended for venturing into the space program. The benefits of satellite technology are immeasurable, and as Professor Otlogetswe Totolo -the BIUST Vice Chancellor reiterated, the state-of-the-art satellite is BOTSAT-1 will enhance Botswana’s capabilities in various sectors. BOTSAT-1 is engineered to conduct Earth observation, providing vital data for resource management, agriculture, environmental monitoring, and disaster management.

Amidst the euphoria of BOTSAT-1 entering space, we hope that the Botswana government has developed a guiding policy, strategy, and a Botswana National Space Agency (BONSA), otherwise we will be entering such a highly technical space literally naked. Without an agency we run the risk of compromising accountability as we will be forced to rely on good Samaritans and ‘volunteers’. Although the minister responsible has assured us that they are working on both the policy and agency, we really hope they should have done that sooner. We are told BIUST is already working on BOTSAT-2, and even considering BOTSAT-3. Such haste is commendable because tech space is highly competitive and evolves every second. With the latest geopolitics we can no longer depend on the will of foreign countries to help us with everything. We must acquire some independence and selfsufficiency as early as yesterday. If any such gaps are true, regarding lack of policy we need to close it as soon as possible lest we fall prey to unscrupulous character in the global space. The policy will provide guidance on conditions, for instance, whether Botswana should first create an enabling environment, infrastructure such as tracking facilities before embarking on the production.

How safe are Botswana’s satellites are in cyber space, in other words, cyber security. As we launch in foreign land, perhaps unavoidable, we cannot claim to have 100% control of national security, especially when we don’t have other mitigating facilities; We should not lose sight of the fact that we are not the only country who have satellites launched outside the country. SA has too but that doesn’t make it right. In any case, even without a launching pad, South Africa has policies, strategies and a litany of facilities to enable monitoring. Linked to the location or country where we launch our satellites, it matters whom we partner with as right now we are told we are with Elon Musk, the very person who is actively supporting the rogue US President Donald Trump as they go on a tirade, bullying small countries, notably SA, Gaza and Ukraine. Without a policy, we may be vulnerable and remain helpless and only those close to leadership will occasionally get tipped. In short, without a guiding legal instrument or a tasked agency, accountability becomes difficult.

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